What is Term Insurance?

Know all about Term Insurance

Term life insurance is a type of life insurance policy that provides coverage for a certain period of time, or a specified “term” of years. If the insured dies during the time period specified and the policy is active, or “in force,” then a death benefit will be paid.

Term insurance is initially much less expensive compared to permanent life insurance, such as whole life and universal life. This is because it’s not designed to last through old age, which is when life insurance premiums are the most expensive. And, unlike most types of permanent life insurance, term life insurance has no cash value.

How Term Life Insurance Works?

There are various types of term insurance policies available. Many policies offer level premiums for the duration of the policy, such as 10, 20, or 30 years.
These are often referred to as “level term” policies. A premium is a specific cost, typically monthly, that insurance companies charge policyholders to provide the
benefits that come with the insurance policy.

The insurance company calculates premiums based on health, age, and life expectancy. A medical exam that reviews the insured person’s health and family
medical history might be required, depending on the type of policy chosen.

Premiums are typically fixed and paid for the length of the term. If the person insured dies prior to the expiration of the policy, then the insurance company
will pay the death benefit to their beneficiaries. If the term expires and the individual dies afterward, there would be no coverage or payout. However, the
policyholder can often extend or renew the insurance, but the new monthly premium will be based on the person’s age at the time of the renewal.
As a result, premiums are higher upon renewal.

Many term policies are also “convertible,” which means they can be converted into a permanent life insurance policy, such as universal or whole life, within
a certain number of years after the policy was taken out. If you convert term life
insurance to permanent life insurance, the premium will increase.

Eligibility Criteria for Term Insurance: What You Need to Know


Most insurance companies offer term insurance to individuals between the ages of 18 and 65, although some may extend coverage beyond these limits. Younger individuals typically qualify for lower premiums, while older applicants may face higher rates due to increased mortality risk.

Health Status

Insurers assess applicants' health status through a medical underwriting process, which may include a health questionnaire and/or medical examination. Factors such as pre-existing medical conditions, height, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and overall health history can impact eligibility and premium rates.

Lifestyle Habits

Insurance companies may inquire about lifestyle habits that could affect life expectancy and risk of mortality, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, drug use, and participation in hazardous activities or occupations. Individuals with healthier lifestyles generally qualify for lower premiums.

Financial History

Some insurers may consider an applicant's financial history, including credit score and financial stability, as part of the underwriting process. A stable financial background can indicate reliability in paying premiums and may positively impact eligibility and rates.

Coverage Amount

The desired coverage amount also plays a role in eligibility. Insurance companies typically have minimum and maximum coverage limits for term insurance policies, and eligibility may vary based on the requested coverage amount.

Citizenship and Residency

Insurance eligibility may be limited to US citizens or legal residents, depending on the insurance company's policies. Some insurers may require applicants to reside in specific geographic regions where they operate


Check Our Detailed Information on Term Insurance

Essential Factors to Consider When Purchasing Term Insurance

When purchasing term insurance, it's essential to consider several factors to ensure you select the right policy for your needs. Here are some key things to consider:

  • Coverage Amount
    Determine the amount of coverage, also known as the death benefit or sum assured, needed to adequately protect your loved ones financially. Consider factors such as outstanding debts, future financial obligations (e.g., education expenses for children), and income replacement needs.

  • Term Length
    Choose a term length that aligns with your financial goals and obligations. Consider factors such as the age of your dependents, the duration of outstanding debts (e.g., mortgage), and your retirement plans. Selecting the appropriate term length ensures that coverage remains in place for as long as needed.

  • Premium Affordability
    valuate your budget to determine how much you can comfortably afford to pay for insurance premiums. While term insurance typically offers lower premiums compared to permanent life insurance, it's crucial to ensure that the premium payments are manageable throughout the duration of the policy.

  • Health and Lifestyle Factors
    Understand how your health and lifestyle habits impact your eligibility and premium rates. Provide accurate information during the application process, including details about pre-existing medical conditions, tobacco use, and participation in hazardous activities. Be aware that healthier individuals generally qualify for lower premiums.

  • Riders and Additional Benefits
    Explore optional riders and additional benefits offered by insurance companies to enhance your coverage. Common riders include accidental death benefit riders, disability income riders, and critical illness riders. Assess whether these riders align with your needs and consider their cost-effectiveness.

  • Insurance Company Reputation
    Research the reputation and financial stability of insurance companies before purchasing a policy. Choose a reputable insurer with a strong financial rating from independent rating agencies. Look for customer reviews and feedback to gauge the level of customer service and claims handling.

  • Conversion Options
    Consider whether the term insurance policy offers conversion options to convert to permanent life insurance without the need for a medical exam. Conversion options provide flexibility to adapt to changing financial needs and health circumstances in the future.

  • Policy Exclusions and Limitations
    Review the policy contract carefully to understand any exclusions, limitations, or conditions that may affect coverage. Pay attention to factors such as suicide clauses, contestability periods, and coverage restrictions for certain activities or occupations.

  • Understand Policy Renewal Terms
    If the term insurance policy offers the option to renew at the end of the term, understand the renewal terms, including any changes in premiums or coverage. Evaluate whether renewal is feasible based on your anticipated financial circumstances at the end of the initial term.

term insurance

What Factors That Will Affect Your Term Insurance Purchase?

Several factors can influence your decision when purchasing term insurance. These factors play a crucial role in determining the type of coverage that best suits your needs and financial circumstances. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Age
    Your age at the time of purchasing term insurance can significantly impact your premium rates. Generally, younger individuals typically qualify for lower premiums because they pose lower mortality risks to insurers.

  • Health Status
    Your current health condition and medical history can affect your eligibility for term insurance and the premium rates you'll be offered. Insurers may require a medical examination or ask detailed health-related questions to assess your risk level.

  • Lifestyle Habits
    Factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, participation in hazardous activities, and occupation can influence your term insurance premiums. Individuals with healthier lifestyles and safer occupations may qualify for lower premiums.

  • Coverage Amount
    The amount of coverage you choose, also known as the death benefit or sum assured, directly affects your premium rates. Determine the appropriate coverage amount based on your financial obligations, such as outstanding debts, future expenses, and income replacement needs.

  • Term Length
    The duration of coverage, or term length, impacts both the premium amount and the suitability of the policy for your needs. Consider factors such as the age of your dependents, outstanding financial obligations, and retirement plans when selecting the term length.

  • Insurance Company
    Choose a reputable insurance company with a strong financial rating and a history of reliable customer service. Research the insurer's reputation, financial stability, and claims settlement track record before making a purchase.

  • Riders and Additional Benefits
    Evaluate optional riders and additional benefits offered by insurers to enhance your coverage. Common riders include accidental death benefit riders, disability income riders, and critical illness riders. Determine whether these riders align with your needs and budget.

  • Budget
    Assess your budget to determine how much you can afford to pay for term insurance premiums. Ensure that the premium payments are manageable throughout the duration of the policy to prevent lapses in coverage.

  • Conversion Options
    Check if the term insurance policy offers conversion options to convert to permanent life insurance without the need for a medical exam. Conversion options provide flexibility to adapt to changing financial needs and health circumstances in the future.

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What Are the Add-on Options Available in Term Insurance Plans?

Term insurance plans often offer add-on options, also known as riders, which can enhance the coverage and provide additional benefits tailored to your specific needs. Some common add-on options available in term insurance plans include:

  • Accidental Death Benefit Rider
    This rider provides an additional lump sum payout in case the insured's death is caused by an accident. It supplements the base death benefit and can provide extra financial support for beneficiaries.

  • Critical Illness Rider
    With this rider, the insured receives a lump sum payout if diagnosed with a specified critical illness covered by the policy, such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, or organ transplant. The payout can help cover medical expenses or other financial needs during a challenging time.

  • Waiver of Premium Rider
    In the event of total and permanent disability due to illness or injury, this rider waives future premium payments for the term insurance policy. It ensures that the coverage remains in force even if the insured is unable to work and pay premiums.

  • Income Benefit Rider
    This rider provides a regular income stream to the insured's beneficiaries upon the insured's death. Instead of a lump sum payout, beneficiaries receive monthly or annual payments for a specified period, offering financial stability over time.

  • Term Rider
    A term rider allows you to add coverage for an additional person, such as a spouse or child, under the same term insurance policy. It provides a separate death benefit for the additional insured, typically for a specific term length.

  • Return of Premium Rider
    With this rider, if the insured survives the entire term of the policy, the premiums paid are returned to the policyholder at the end of the term. It offers a way to recoup premiums paid if the insured outlives the policy term.

  • Child Term Rider
    This rider provides coverage for the insured's children, offering a death benefit in the unfortunate event of a child's death. It can help cover funeral expenses or other financial needs during a difficult time.

  • Hospital Cash Benefit Rider
    This rider provides a daily cash benefit if the insured is hospitalized due to illness or injury. The cash benefit can help cover expenses not covered by health insurance, such as transportation, meals, or other incidental costs.

  • Accelerated Death Benefit Rider
    This rider allows the insured to access a portion of the death benefit in advance if diagnosed with a terminal illness or given a short life expectancy. It provides financial assistance to cover medical expenses or other end-of-life needs.

term insurance

What are the Types Of Term Insurance?

Term insurance comes in various types, each designed to meet different needs and preferences. Here are the common types of term insurance:

  • Level Term Insurance: This is the most basic type of term insurance where the death benefit remains the same throughout the policy term. Premiums also remain level for the entire duration of the term. Level term insurance offers straightforward coverage with predictable premiums.

  • Decreasing Term Insurance: In decreasing term insurance, the death benefit decreases over time, typically in line with a specific debt or financial obligation, such as a mortgage or loan. Premiums usually remain level throughout the term, but since the death benefit decreases, premiums are generally lower compared to level term insurance.

  • Increasing Term Insurance: Increasing term insurance provides coverage with a death benefit that increases over time, typically to account for inflation or changing financial needs. Premiums may remain level or increase gradually over the policy term.

  • Renewable Term Insurance: Renewable term insurance allows policyholders to renew their coverage for additional terms without undergoing a medical examination or providing evidence of insurability. Premiums may increase upon renewal based on the insured's age at the time of renewal. .

  • Convertible Term Insurance: Convertible term insurance policies offer the option to convert all or part of the term policy into a permanent life insurance policy without the need for a medical exam. This provides flexibility to adapt to changing financial needs and health circumstances in the future.

  • Term Riders: Some insurers offer term insurance riders that can be added to permanent life insurance policies to provide additional term coverage for a specific period. These riders offer temporary coverage for situations such as income protection, mortgage payoff, or covering short-term financial needs.

  • Group Term Insurance: Group term insurance is typically offered through employers or associations to provide coverage to a group of individuals. It offers simplified underwriting and may be less expensive compared to individual term insurance policies. However, coverage typically ends when the individual leaves the group.

term insurance

How Do I Buy Term Insurance with InsuranceQuotess?

To buy term insurance with InsuranceQuotes, you can follow these steps:

  • Start by visiting the InsuranceQuotes website (insurancequotes.com).

  • Provide the necessary information requested by the website, such as your age, gender, location, health status, smoking status, coverage amount desired, and term length preference.

  • After entering your information, InsuranceQuotes will generate multiple term insurance quotes from different insurance providers.

  • Review and compare the quotes to find the policy that best fits your needs and budget.

  • Once you've chosen a policy, you can typically proceed to contact the insurance provider directly through the InsuranceQuotes website.

  • Follow the prompts to initiate contact or request more information about the selected policy.

  • Before finalizing your purchase, carefully review the policy details, terms, conditions, and exclusions provided by the insurance provider.

  • Once you're satisfied with the policy terms and ready to proceed, make the initial premium payment as required by the insurance provider.

  • Payment methods may vary, so follow the instructions provided by the insurer to complete the transaction securely.

  • After completing the purchase process and making payment, you'll typically receive confirmation of your coverage from the insurance provider.

  • Keep your term insurance policy documents in a safe and easily accessible place. Review them periodically to ensure that your coverage continues to meet your needs and make any necessary updates as your circumstances change.

term insurance

Who Should You Buy Term Insurance?

Term insurance is a suitable option for a variety of individuals who have specific financial responsibilities and goals. Here's a breakdown of who might benefit from purchasing term insurance:

Young Adults

Term insurance is ideal for young adults who are just starting their careers and may have financial obligations such as student loans, rent, or supporting family members. It offers affordable coverage during these early stages of life.


Parents with dependent children rely on their income to support their family's financial needs. Term insurance can provide a financial safety net to ensure that children are provided for in the event of the parent's premature death.


Individuals who own a home with a mortgage can use term insurance to ensure that their mortgage payments are covered if they pass away unexpectedly. This protects their family from the risk of losing their home due to an inability to make mortgage payments.


People with significant debts, such as student loans, car loans, or credit card debt, may choose term insurance to ensure that their debts are paid off if they die. This prevents the burden of debt from falling on their loved ones.

Business Owners

Business owners often have financial obligations related to their business, such as business loans or partnerships. Term insurance can be used to protect the business and ensure that these financial obligations are met if the owner passes away.

Individuals with Temporary Needs

Term insurance is suitable for individuals with temporary insurance needs, such as covering income until retirement or until children are financially independent.

Reason to Buy the Term Insurance Online

Buying term insurance online offers several advantages that make it a convenient and efficient option for many individuals. Here are some reasons why you might consider buying term insurance online:

  • Hassle-free Comparisons: When you purchase it online, you can compare different plans offered by different companies without any hassle. You can use the term insurance premium calculator tool online to compare the plans and buy the one that best suits your needs.

  • Lower Premium Rates: Purchasing it online is a cost-effective option. This is because you don’t have to pay any commission to middlemen or agents. Simply visit the official website of InsuranceDekho, enter your personal details, compare different plans, and make a premium payment online to secure the future of your loved ones. There are many insurers who give discounts when you buy term insurance online.

  • Easy and Safe Purchase: Customers can buy this online from the comfort of their homes. You don’t have to visit one insurer's branch office after another in search of good term insurance plans. Additionally, the complete process of purchasing a term insurance plan online is safe and saves a lot of time for you.

Basic Documents Required for Term Insurance

The basic documents required for purchasing term insurance typically include:

  • Identity Proof: Any government-issued photo identification document such as Passport, Driver's License, Aadhar Card, PAN Card, or Voter ID.

  • Address Proof: Documents confirming your residential address, such as Passport, Utility Bills (electricity, water, gas), Aadhar Card, Rent Agreement, or Bank Statement.

  • Age Proof: Documents verifying your age, such as Birth Certificate, Passport, School Leaving Certificate, or PAN Card.

  • Income Proof: Documents demonstrating your income level, which may include Salary Slips, Income Tax Returns, Form 16, or Bank Statements.

  • Medical History: Information regarding your medical history, pre-existing conditions, and any ongoing treatments. You may need to fill out a medical questionnaire or undergo a medical examination, depending on the insurer's requirements.

  • Occupation Details: Information about your occupation, including your job title, employer details, and nature of work. This helps insurers assess your risk profile.

  • Nominee Details: Details of the person(s) who will receive the insurance proceeds (death benefit) in the event of your demise. You'll need to provide their name, relationship, address, and contact information.

  • Bank Account Details: Information about your bank account for setting up premium payments via Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) or standing instructions.

  • Photographs: Passport-size photographs may be required for documentation purposes.

  • Any Additional Documents: Depending on the insurer's underwriting process and specific requirements, you may be asked to provide additional documents or information.

Reason to Choose InsuranceQuotess for Terme Insurance Online

Image 1

Wide Selection of Policies

InsuranceQuotess offers diverse term insurance
options from multiple providers,
catering to various customer needs.

Image 2

Transparent Comparison

We provides transparent comparison tools that allow users
to easily compare different insurance policies in
terms of coverage, premiums, and features.

Image 3

Simple and Convenient Process

We offers a straightforward and user-friendly
online process for term insurance

How To Buy Term Insurance With InsuranceQuotess?

  • Step 1
    Provide Information
    Visit the InsuranceQuotess website and enter essential information such as your age, gender, location, desired coverage amount, and term length preference.
  • Step 2
    Compare Quotes
    InsuranceQuotes will generate multiple term insurance quotes from various providers based on the information provided. Review and compare the quotes to find the policy that best fits your needs and budget.
  • Step 3
    Select and Contact
    Select the payment mode and pay the premium online through a secured payment gateway to get the policy document at your registered email ID.

Documents Required for Purchasing a Life Insurance Policy

When purchasing a life insurance policy, you'll typically need to provide various documents to complete the application process. The specific documentation required may vary depending on the insurance company and the type of policy you're applying for. However, here are the common documents often requested:

  • Application Form: You'll need to fill out an application form provided by the insurance company. This form collects personal information such as your name, address, contact details, date of birth, occupation, and health history.

  • Identification Proof: Provide a copy of a government-issued identification document to verify your identity. This could be a driver's license, passport, or state-issued ID card.

  • Proof of Age: You may need to submit a document that verifies your age, such as a birth certificate or passport.

  • Proof of Income: Some insurance companies require proof of income to assess your financial eligibility for the policy. This could include recent pay stubs, tax returns, or bank statements.

  • Health Questionnaire: Complete a health questionnaire or medical history form provided by the insurance company. This form gathers information about your health status, medical conditions, medications, treatments, surgeries, and family medical history.

  • Medical Exam Reports: Depending on the policy and your age, you may be required to undergo a medical examination conducted by a licensed healthcare professional appointed by the insurance company. The medical exam may include tests such as blood tests, urine tests, blood pressure measurement, and ECG.

  • Medical Records: Provide copies of your medical records, including doctor's notes, lab test results, diagnostic reports, and treatment histories. This information helps the insurance company assess your health status and determine your risk profile.

  • Financial Documents: If you're applying for a high coverage amount or certain types of policies, you may need to submit additional financial documents such as tax returns, bank statements, or proof of assets.

  • Beneficiary Information: Specify the beneficiaries who will receive the death benefit in the event of your passing. Provide their names, addresses, dates of birth, and relationship to you.

  • Other Supporting Documents: Depending on the insurer's requirements and the specific details of your application, you may be asked to provide additional supporting documents or declarations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is term insurance?

Life insurance is a contract between an individual (the policyholder) and an insurance company, where the insurer agrees to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money (the death benefit) upon the death of the insured person. It provides financial protection to the insured's dependents and beneficiaries.

Why do I need health insurance?

In term insurance, the policyholder pays premiums to the insurance company in exchange for coverage for a specific term, typically ranging from 5 to 30 years. If the insured dies during the term, the beneficiaries receive the death benefit from the insurance company.

What are the benefits of term insurance?

Term insurance offers affordable premiums, flexible coverage options, and straightforward protection for financial obligations such as mortgage payments, income replacement, and education expenses.

Can I cancel my life insurance policy?

Yes, you can typically cancel your life insurance policy at any time by contacting the insurance company or your insurance agent. However, you may incur certain penalties or fees, and you may forfeit any premiums paid depending on the terms of the policy.

Who should buy term insurance?

Term insurance is suitable for individuals who want to provide financial protection for their loved ones in case of their untimely demise. It's particularly beneficial for breadwinners, young families, and individuals with significant financial responsibilities.

How much term insurance coverage do I need?

The amount of term insurance coverage you need depends on factors such as your income, financial obligations, outstanding debts, future expenses, and the needs of your dependents. It's essential to assess your financial situation and determine an appropriate coverage amount.

What factors affect term insurance premiums?

Term insurance premiums are influenced by factors such as age, gender, health status, smoking status, coverage amount, term length, and lifestyle habits. Generally, younger and healthier individuals pay lower premiums.

Can I convert my term insurance policy into permanent life insurance? ?

Many term insurance policies offer conversion options that allow you to convert some or all of the term coverage into permanent life insurance without the need for a medical exam. This provides flexibility to adapt to changing financial needs.

What happens if I outlive my term insurance policy?

If you outlive your term insurance policy, the coverage expires, and no benefits are payable. However, some policies may offer renewal options or conversion to permanent life insurance, depending on the terms of the policy.

Is term insurance tax deductible?

Term insurance premiums are generally not tax-deductible for individuals. However, the death benefit received by beneficiaries is usually tax-free under current tax laws.